
The Trust’s vision for The Heights Primary School is to enable all children to fulfil their own unique potential, growing into confident, capable individuals ready to thrive and achieve success in secondary school. The school cares for each child in a safe, inspirational and inclusive learning environment. It instils within its pupils a love of learning and strives to support their academic, social, moral, intellectual, emotional and physical development by delivering on our core values:

  • Thoughtfulness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Commitment
  • Co-operation
  • Courage
  • Positivity

ASPIRE: Achieving Success Promoting Individual Responsibility and Excellence

At The Heights Primary we care for your children in an engaging, caring and secure environment. We provide a full and varied curriculum delivered by qualified and inspirational teachers to prepare your children for the future, as well as equipping them with the skills and enthusiasm they need to pursue learning for the rest of their lives. We are encouraging the children to become an integral part of the local community and have a sense of individual responsibility and worth. We are deeply committed to building a community network and fostering close relationships with all of our families.